VA Benefits
Our Nationally accredited veteran service officers and our accredited partners assist veterans through the veterans administration claims process.
Don't Face the VA Alone!

VA Health Care
Receiving all of the health care benefits can be confusing and full of red tape. If you have questions about qualifications of veteran administration health care contact one of our accredited veteran service officers today.

VA Cemetery
Preplanning our burial can help relieve the burden from our loved ones left behind. Learn about the benefits the veterans and the surviving spouse need to know.

Don't Face the VA Alone
Transition into civilian life can be difficult enough. Compounding it by dealing with the red tape of the VA can add to that difficult transition. The American Legion is here to cut through the red tape, cross the T's and dot the I's when applying for benefits on the veteran's behalf. Call us at 313-964-6640 to find a veteran service officer near you.
We have over 100 years of combined experience in our office dealing with the veterans administration. We have developed strong communication channels with the regional offices, and we fight for our veterans. "Don't Face the VA Alone." The American Legion is here to help you.

Donate today
Help the American Legion Department of Michigan support Michigan Veterans receive the benefits they have earned.